I am an artist.
As a young person, I danced around in a tutu for many years. I dreamed of opening a dance studio and teaching ballet and tap. I won vocal competitions and sang in school choirs. High School was a playground for my creative spirit; art, song, dance, and writing filled my days.
And then I went to business school. My family was stunned. Wait! What? …business school?
I am a change agent.
My dad was attached to the air force and we moved every one or two years. I hated it. But those experiences helped shape my love of change.
My mom was a domestic engineer (okay, stay at home mom) who loved to buy old run-down houses and fix them up. We moved into the worst house in the neighborhood and moved out of the best. It was not just mom who got to swing the hammer. By the time I left home, I could plaster and paint, strip and stain woodwork, saw, hammer, and hang lights.
All this knowledge gave me competence and confidence to take on new unfamiliar things and know if things come apart, I can put them back together again.
I am a leader.
The eldest of five children. Frequently, I was called upon to lead, manage, oversee, or disrupt.
There’s more – a lifeguard at 14 and president of the pep club in high school, business administrator, director of human resources, past-president of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of Laboratory Managers, operations manager, executive consultant, chief administrative officer, vice president and regional chief operations officer. I’ve led large scale projects, new innovations, turnaround efforts, disruptive work, downsizing, right sizing, and expansion efforts.
These roles helped me understand the weight of leadership. It is an honor to lead others and I have been gifted with this responsibility my entire life.
I am an expert.
I’ve been a health care executive for many years with a proven track record of leading people through transformational change. I am skilled at organizational turn-around, strategy development and execution, comprehensive change management, along with reshaping the culture within an organization.
I am a strong operational leader; focused on team performance and organizational success. I have a passion for improving quality and service. I love developing the next generation of leaders and inspiring creativity and innovation at all levels of the organization.
As an excellent speaker, I draw people into my messages by creating moments that matter.
One more thing… I’m still an artist.
I’ve come back around to music. My husband is a Jazz guitarist and I sing. We play live and have recorded several albums. Music fills our home and we play even when no one is watching.